
As a person grows older the skin loses its elasticity, and facial bone and fat reabsorb to create decreased volume. These natural changes result in heaviness of the upper eyelid skin, protuberance of fat pads in the upper and lower eyelids (causing bulging of the lids), and wrinkling and thinning of the eyelid skin.

These changes are accentuated by sun exposure, smoking, stress, and significant weight loss. Reducing the sagging skin and puffiness of the upper or lower eyelids can dramatically reduce the appearance of fatigue and make you look much younger.

The treatment options for the eyes consist of a technique to lift the lids, called blepharoplasty, which is a surgical procedure that can restore a youthful appearance to the eye area. During blepharoplasty the upper and lower eyelids are lifted, and loose or excess skin and fat tissue are removed from the eye area.

Since we perform the eyelift using local anesthesia, the recovery time is much faster. Most patients return to work in 7 days.

For more information on local anesthesia and our approach to cosmetic surgery, please see our Cosmetic Dermatology page.

Some alternative treatments include filling the lost volume of the lower lid (tear trough correction) and improving the skin texture and wrinkles with a laser.

Before and After:

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